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Beverly Sartain Profile

Beverly Sartain MA, CAP, PCC

President & Lead Instructor

Today, most people know me as a pretty put together person with 18 years of recovery, walking my talk in all areas of my life and rockin' my coaching businesses. Awesome, right?! Truth is, it wasn’t always this way. For a long time, I knew I had potential inside me but I wasn’t living it. It took my battle with substance abuse–one that left me struggling with suicidal thoughts and an inability to get on with my life–for me to make the gut-wrenching admission that I was great at helping other people fix their problems yet not good at helping myself. I needed outside support, like pronto. And let me tell you: It was hard. In fact: That initial step of asking for help seemed like the hardest thing I’d ever done. But the amazing thing is things changed really quickly– and my life–shifted in positive ways once I sought help.

Things started to get better for me when I learned how to shift my perspective from negative to positive. My first stop was therapy, which then led to me attending a Spiritual Psychology Master's Degree program. It was then that I truly began to live my life in alignment with spiritual principles and tools. Growth came slow and hard, but growth came. Over time, I realized I was literally changing myself from the inside out. Me–someone who a few years before had wondered if she would ever be happy or was better off dead. It was true transformation! Seriously. Almost every little thing in my life changed. I healed unresolved issues by learning self-forgiveness, self-compassion and self-worth. These were all entirely new concepts to me. I learned to be with my emotions, changed my thinking and created a solid self-care practice that has supported me through all these years. As a result, I headed down a path of purpose working at non-profits for about 10 years and becoming a Substance Abuse Counselor. But that isn’t the end of the story, my friends. It wasn't all smooth sailing from there, either.

I hit a crossroads thinking that I had capped out of my career. I was willingly over-working for little pay and just knew there had to be more than what I was experiencing. So I did what most people do in a helping profession. I thought about going back to school to advance myself. I considered becoming a therapist, social worker or coach. After much inner deliberation and clear signs from the Universe, I made the decision to become a coach. (Best career move EVER!) I didn’t know much about coaching except that my style and philosophy of being with people jived with coaching. So I embarked on my coaching journey. I got super intentional and made some tough choices: I found a coaching job in California on an online behavioral health platform. I put in my notice at my good paying non-profit job, I registered and got my certification, I hired a mentor coach to help me start my business, and I started my coaching business while still in coaching school. Yes, I was the go-getter girl who had 10 paying clients before coaching school was even done. Heck yeah, I was! I believed in my skill set (I cultivated all these years). I believed in the results I got with my clients (tons of testimonials). And most of all, I believed in myself (my daily devotion to my soul practice). Even though I had great success, building a business took time, determination and adaptability. However, I have always looked at my business as an opportunity to continue evolve. I started my business as an Alternative Recovery Coach.

Within the first few years, many aspiring coaches came to me for business and personal mentorship. And then something extraordinary happened that changed the trajectory of my business. In July of 2019, I was offered to buy a coaching school. Though we did not land on an agreement, it was the final nudge I needed to confidently create my own coach training program so that I could offer coach-specific training, business start-up mentorship and spiritual growth opportunities to people in my tribe who value growing personally and professionally, just the way that I do, too. I truly believe that our life's challenges can be used for higher good. And I love supporting good-hearted people with developing themselves and their skill set to advance humanity. In fact, I’m on a mission to continue to evolve my own consciousness and help other people evolve theirs through coaching and gaining coach-specific skills so that more people can be served and reach their highest potential possible.

Coaching is truly an opportunity to live your greatest potential and help others do the same. What a win/win for your soul?! If you are resonating with this message, We’d like to invite you into an incredible soul tribe of people doing great work into the world while working on themselves. Are you ready to learn coach-specific skills so you can create more time, money and creativity freedom for yourself and those you love? Are you are ready to step into greater service and impact using your life’s challenges to support humanity with your unique skill set that only you have and can give? Are you ready to actualize your calling to “do your own thing” and serve from your soul even though you don't know all the answers or steps right now? If this is you then head on over to our programs page, see what’s a fit so you can finally get the support you need to make your inner vision an outer reality.

Richard Sartain Profile Photo.

Richard Sartain ACC

Vice President & Sub-Instructor

Entrepreneur, Holistic Coach, Husband, Dog Dad, and avid Gardener.

I relate most deeply to myself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Self-realization, self-actualization, service, and compassion are my top values. I experience daily gratitude for the opportunity to be of service to others, in alignment with my higher purpose, in fulfilling the duties of my role as Vice President of Holistic Coach Training Institute.

My favorite activities include: Spending quality time with my wife and our dogs, coaching, gardening, cooking, nature walks, working on my business, and working out.

I love coaching and what it offers! Ethics and standards are important to me. As an ICF certified coach, I have aligned my coaching practice with the ICF core competencies, standards, and ethics.

As a Holistic Coach, I support people with making changes from the inside out. Holistic Coaching empowering you to realize and actualize your full potential in all areas of your life encompassing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. I believe that healing and transformation happens in a loving and supportive environment, not through judgment, shame or guilt.

My goal for each session is to co-create a space where people experience enough trust and safety to feel good about showing up authentically and vulnerably while doing the work needed to stretch and grow personally and professionally.

I believe we do our best when we feel our best and we feel our best when we prioritize our well-being across all parts of ourselves.

I embrace a holistic approach to living and have experienced the benefits of doing so in my personal growth and healing journey. Mental and physical health challenges, including depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and obesity have impacted generations of my family members (myself included). The holistic approach of taking action that supports the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels has been a powerful framework that has empowered me to create a sustainable sense of well-being. Using the holistic approach, I have intentionally designed my daily routine, in my personal and professional life, to support my well-being and have been experiencing the benefits daily ever since.

We founded the Holistic Coach Training Institute to support other Holistic Coaches in growing personally and professionally so that they can "be the change they wish to see in the world" as they serve others by empowering them to do so as well.

Most grateful for: relationship with my wife, our 4 rescue dogs, and our garden. 🙂

Proudest accomplishment: co-founding the Holistic Coach Training Institute.

Coaching style: grounded, competent, and intuitive.

Favorite quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi.

If you have goals that you want to reach or challenges that you want to work on overcoming then Bev and I are also available for personal and professional coaching.

Some of the positive benefits of coaching include:

  • Better communication with ourselves, family, friends, and co-workers.
  • More confidence in ourselves and our relationships with others.
  • Increased productivity in our personal and professional lives.
  • Enhanced performance in our personal and professional lives.
  • Improved work/life balance that includes supporting ourselves around our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

Please feel free to email either of us at [email protected].


Gage Bock PCC


Hi, I’m Gage.

I am:  A woman. A truth-teller. A professional coach. A soul-centered guide. An artist of life and of consciousness. A lover of nature, learning, growth, dreams, and seeing what’s possible.

What I value most in life is courage, growth, authenticity, humor, creativity, and this truly magnificent planet we get to call home.


My path to where I am today has been a long and winding one - not at all clear cut or straight (as I used to think it was supposed to be).

Today, what I know about living a life that’s true to oneself is that it’s much more like this:

a scribbly, messy, perfectly imperfect trail that wanders here and there, to and from, over all kinds of terrain. It’s a path full of many more questions than answers, abundant confusion, glorious successes, and sometimes painful failures. It’s full of countless moments of losing the trail, and slowly but surely, finding it once again.


During those moments when confusion has reigned in my own life, this quote by the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke has often helped to ease my impatient mind:

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Live the questions now… Rilke’s words to a young poet, while wholly unsatisfying to my ego (that driven part that always wants me to DO something), have served as a quiet, persistent reminder that the path - even if I cannot see it - is always emerging, and my job is to ‘live everything’ to the best of my ability in each and every moment.


The reason I’m a coach today is because I feel it’s part of purpose to help people get back to the truth of who they are, and live that into the world. I believe that, as Frederick Buechner said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Said another way, that which we most long for is what the world actually longs for from us as well.

Another reason I do what I do is because it’s a kind of giving back. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today were it not for all the coaches, mentors, teachers, elders, and guides who have shared their love, guidance, and fierce compassion with me along the way. These generous humans have not only helped me to embody my own gifts more fully, they’ve also served as inspirational examples of what’s possible in this world. And for that, I am eternally grateful.



10 Guiding Principles of Holistic Coaching

1. Transformation happens on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels, taking the whole person into consideration.

2. Holistic Coaching believes that everything rests in a web of interconnectedness.
3. Holistic Coaching focuses on supporting people in moving from coping to healing to thriving.
4. Healing happens in a loving and supportive environment not through judgment, shame or guilt.
5. Holistic coaching is about making changes from the inside out.
6. The overall goal of holistic coaching is to create well-being and fulfillment in all areas of life that are important to you.
7. Holistic coaching offers the opportunity for you to create love, safety and belonging for yourself.
8. Change, healing, transformation are a process not an event.
9. Holistic Coaching helps increase awareness of mind, body and spirit.
10. Holistic Coaching is about finding the tools and techniques that you can enjoy and embody consistently.

Please contact us with any questions. We're happy to support your journey!

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