How To Communicate The Value Of Your Coaching Services

Have you ever heard of FABs? FABs are features, advantages and benefits of your coaching services. It’s important to get to know the distinctions between features, advantages and benefits. Knowing your FABs helps you confidently communicate the full value of your coaching services to potential clients.

Features are important to communicate what something is. Advantages are important to communicate why something is better for the client. Benefits are important to communicate what something will give the client.

It’s important to remember that greater value is perceived by your potential clients when you authentically communicate features, advantages and benefits. It’s helpful to share about coaching, yourself as a Coach, and your coaching offers.

Here’s a few real world coaching examples for you to consider.

Feature, advantage and benefit of coaching


Through holistic coaching, Coach and Coachee partner together in a thought-provoking, heart-opening, body-aware, and soul-connecting process. Holistic coaching empowers the Coachee to realize and actualize their full potential in all areas of their life.


We consider the feature to be coaching/partnering together. The advantage is the “thought-provoking, heart-opening, body-aware, and soul-connecting process” ( the 4 levels). The benefit is “empowers the Coachee to realize and actualize their full potential in all areas of their life.”

Feature, advantage and benefit of working with me as your Coach


I’m an experienced Holistic Coach holding an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential. My clients experience peace of mind that they are partnering with a professional and ethical Coach. My clients feel confident working with a Coach who meets strict education and practice requirements to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in coaching.


We consider the feature to be that the person is a Coach. The advantage is that they are experienced, educated and hold a credential. The benefit is “My clients experience peace of mind that they are partnering with a professional and ethical Coach. My clients feel confident working with a Coach who meets strict education and practice requirements to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in coaching.”

Feature, advantage and benefit of a coaching offer


The Holistic Well-Being Routine is a holistic coaching experience that supports you with cultivating a holistic approach to everyday living. Taking intentional action on the four levels of well-being, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical supports you with creating a greater sense of well-being. The Holistic Well-Being Routine helps you feel your best so you can continue to grow and develop in all areas of your life that are important to you.


We consider the feature to be “The Holistic Well-Being Routine is a holistic coaching experience.” The advantage is “supports you with creating a greater sense of well-being.” The benefit is “The Holistic Well-Being Routine helps you feel your best so you can continue to grow and develop in all areas of your life that are important to you.”

Consider taking some time to define the features, advantages and benefits of your approach to coaching, working with you as a Coach, and your coaching offers. Communicating your personal coaching FABs in conversations and in the copy on your website can support your potential clients with gaining a deeper understanding of the value of your coaching services. Sharing all of your FABs makes it easier for them to say “Yes” to working with you.

Holistic Coach Training Institute

Our Holistic Coach Certification Programs (Level 1 and 2) are available to you as well. If your ready to learn more, Schedule a Discovery Call here and one of our team members will connect with you, share the essence of who we are and how we deliver our coach training so you can feel if it’s a fit for you.

Richard Sartain, ACC

Vice President of the Holistic Coach Training Institute

Richard Sartain is the Vice President of the Holistic Coach Training Institute. The Holistic Coach Certification Programs are ICF Level 1 and Level 2 accredited and focus on a holistic approach to coaching. Richard has earned his ACC (Associate Certified Coach) from the ICF. He’s passionate about empowering his clients to reach their full potential in all areas of their life encompassing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

He can be contacted at: [email protected]

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