Intuition: Your Inner Compass

Intuition is your inner compass and is a skill that can be flexed and strengthened by more use. Some use this muscle without being fully aware of it as it comes naturally. This post shares some resources on intuition, how to activate it and how to upkeep intuitive intelligence and why it’s important.
Why kundalini yoga and meditation are important practices.
For me, meditation is a daily practice. Kundalini yoga is a weekly practice. It allows me to use my physical body, my mental body, my spiritual connection and my emotional bodies – through asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation. It strengthens all of these, especially my intuitive intelligence.
It helps me to have clarity of my negative mind, positive mind and neutral mind – also the distinctions between logic, emotions and neutrality. This helps in my day to day and to identify the emotions that arise, most useful in difficult situations!
Effective and efficient, Kundalini is a technology for “householders: those living in the world, having to be human, jobs, relationships, work, etc.
What does intuition feel like in the body?
My intuitive intelligence has been honed over time – I feel physical sensations in various parts of myself, my left hand itches when I’m receiving money, my right temple pulses when there is a message for someone in my life.
I get the good chills when it’s a strong yes – confirmation.
Typically, there are three steps – these happen quite quickly – so discerning which area of you this is coming from is key.
1 – My intuitive intelligence comes as a soft, first message – it’s subtle, so I have to be able to listen to it- that gut response or feeling that comes when someone expresses something. The feeling is what you need to pay attention to. The resonance it carries – this is about tuning yourself to soft and subtle frequencies.
2 – What comes next is my logical mind trying to make sense of it. Its job is to keep you safe, and it can talk me out of my intuition if I allow it.
3 – Acceptance – I go back to the first message, reconfirm if it’s a strong yes or no or whatever the message may be.
I think we all know what an intuitive “no” feels like – it’s harsh, strong and sometimes overwhelming.
What is an intuitive ‘yes’?
A yes feels soft, subtle and confident. It feels like an affirmation, a confirmation, sometimes even chills when it’s a strong ‘yes.’ It feels light, and even sometimes, I see bright white light with a yes.
It feels comforting, confirming, reassuring, but not from me. Yes from my higher self, my higher wisdom. To receive an answer – I open myself up to be a clear channel, putting distance between myself and the question to ensure clarity and no emotions.
I believe intuitive intelligence is a mix of external and internal divine guidance – it’s our higher selves and our benevolent helping spirit guides (angels, ancestors, gods, goddesses, etc) supporting us from the highest vantage point. Because we live in the 3D world, it’s easy to get caught up in the grind: what we see in front of us, putting out fires, feeding yourself and your kids, paying bills, etc. Intuition is zooming out and focusing on your soul, your purpose and integrating it into the day to day.
What happens when we ignore our intuition
The taps become the slaps. This is something that comes directly from not trusting your intuitive intelligence. Sometimes it’s a tap that reminds you of the path to take. If you’re not paying attention, the universe will slap you – to wake you up – all for your highest good. Making mistakes, choosing the wrong people, situations, places, etc. Feeling like “why is this happening to me?” you’re not learning the lessons or ignoring you intuitive intelligence or both!
How to incorporate intuition in businesses and daily decisions
To receive intuitive guidance, you must be in a different life pace. Meditation helps to attune you to this pace, this slower frequency. So often our days are filled with action items, meetings to do lists. This is fine and needs to be a part of our day.
What’s missing is the balance of this – the opportunity to take a break, to slow down, to rest, to heal and to tune into a different type of wisdom.
For example, sometimes our computer is frustrating us – why won’t it update my software?
Rather than continuing to fight it, stop, use this opportunity to take a break, and step back.
Zoom out, daydream, meditate on the issue or better yet, forget about it for a few minutes and do something else. It’s the same concept of your best ideas coming when you’re in the shower or riding your bike – we step away, slow down or focus on something else like our physical body, opening up the pathways for intuitive intelligence to shine.
The best way to learn how to toggle between fast action and slowing down is to tune up your brain – meditation or mindfulness activities that allow you to slow down.
If you’d like some help accessing your intuitive intelligence, please reach out to schedule a strategy session.
Two Magical meditations:

Lisa Taylor
Coach, Healer, Guide
Lisa Taylor is a multi-dimensional human: healer, coach, guide, business owner, yoga teacher, and more.
She is the Founder of The Hive Holistic, a business and personal coaching service designed to unveil the powerful within. The mission of the Hive is to bring peace to overstretched business owners so that they can shine powerfully, live in balance and perform at their best.
She guides professionals that feel good, but not good enough. They run businesses, families and teams and this causes over stretching and lack of self worth, and a lower frequency of life. She takes a holistic view of your life, not only your business, but all areas, which is key in this new world.
Lisa has been through these challenges of mastering the business-owner lifestyle, firsthand. Over a short span of years, she’s experienced many challenges including overnight parenting, divorce, moving across the state, death which lead to personal and spiritual self-discovery. She’s learned how to confront internal traumas, work to address them, and start to heal.
Lisa holds a degree in Business Administration and is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Her well-rounded interests include study in astrology, shamanism, reiki, tarot, positive psychology, personal training, fashion and sewing, cooking and more.
About The Hive Holistic
The Hive is a holistic personal and business coaching service designed to help you transform your life holistically. Our Holistic Life System guides you from the inside out; building on your strengths, transforming the blocks and stimulating change. We consider the mind, body, heart and soul in guiding your transformation.
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