HCTI Assets_SpiritualPsychologyHealingCourse


Healing resolves while coping is momentary

The intention of this course is to heal so that you can make peace with your past and move forward with professional advancement. I want to see you enjoying your life and feeling proud of yourself. When you heal, you can move on in your life, advance and become a co-creator of your experience. This is when life gets REALLY exciting because we live in possibility, playfulness and prosperity.

Beverly Sartain Photo

Beverly Sartain

In The Spiritual Psychology Healing Course, you will learn how to develop your personal practice so that you experience continuous progress in your life. Receive weekly soul-centered lessons that will teach you practical tools to work on your personal growth and healing. Participate in live monthly healing circles where we will hold a loving space for the community to support each other in the experiential application of each of the lessons. Learn the transformational skills that I used to take my life from struggling to thriving. I will show you how to do your own inner healing necessary to see the outer results you desire in your life.

The Healing Course Is For Someone Who

Wants to take their healing to the next level

Knows they have more healing to do

Wants to learn Spiritual Psychology tools and techniques

Willing to practice what you are learning

Engages community in a positive way

Creates their own value by applying what they learn

Is willing to go all in with no excuses

Intentions For The Healing Circle

This is a  space to do healing work together. All of us in the Healing Circle will be at various points in working through the course and workbook. Accountability prompts posted in the Healing Circle will be based on you sharing around whatever lesson you are personally working on for that week.

The Healing Circle is an additional space and support for you to share your learnings, experiences and insights about the lessons while also giving support to others on their healing journey.

As an additional support to you, Beverly holds a monthly workshop around Spiritual Psychology tools and techniques. Workshops are based on themes Beverly receive intuitively that are in support to our collective healing.
Objectives are to work through the 52 lessons in the course and workbook at a pace that resonates with you and use the Healing Circle to share your process and support others, if you like.

We recommend block scheduling a half hour at least once a week to sit with the lesson that you are working on.
The lessons are meant to inspire and encourage you to become more connected, aware and present of your inner brilliance.

You Will Receive

HCTI Assets_SpiritualPsychologyHealingCourse
  • 52 weekly lessons including audios and exercises
  • Live monthly healing circle with Beverly and Richard Sartain (on rotation) delivered via Zoom (recorded if you can’t make it and shared in the Facebook group)
  • Weekly accountability in the Facebook group
  • BONUS: Spiritual Psychology Healing Workbook, Transcending Trauma Book, and Self-Forgiveness Healing Deck!
Transcending Trauma Book Image
Spiritual Psychology Healing Workbook
HCTI Assets_SpiritualPsychologyHealingCourse
Healing Deck

Frequently Asked Questions

1. To get the most value, you will need to make room for this program (I recommend 1 hour/week.)

2. Healing Circle will be delivered on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Recordings will be available. Live sessions ending on 05/31/2025.

3. There are no refunds for money paid.

4. You can use the Healing Lessons as a stand alone program or in combo with another recovery program you may be participating in.

5. The Facebook group is optional, but highly recommended as a place to share your leanings and connect with like-minded people.