Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced (Part 2 Only)

ICF (International Coaching Federation) Level 2 accredited program (part 2 only).
Become a Certified Holistic Coach empowering "the whole person" to reach their full potential in all areas of their life encompassing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced
ICF accredited Level 2 Program Logo.

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced - ICF Level 2 Accredited (Part 2 Only)

The Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced is a comprehensive, ICF accredited Level 2 program. This offering is for Part 2 only which is the "advanced" portion of the training.

Develop advanced, professional-level coaching skills through video training materials, working remotely with peer practice partners, and attending live-online classes.

Become a Certified Holistic Coach who empowers "the whole person" to reach their full potential in all areas of their life encompassing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

The Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced Includes:

  • 66 hours of ICF accredited Level 2 coach education for ICF credentialing.
  • The Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced (Part 2) is the "advanced" of the program.
  • In-house performance evaluation for ICF credentialing.
  • Holistic Coach Business Start-Up Course: Self-directed, online course that prepares you for success in the first years of your coaching business. Learn how to get your coaching business off the ground and running. Create your first offers and learn strategies to attract your first paying clients.
  • Holistic Well-Being Routine Program: Valuable done-for-you coaching program to offer to your coaching clients. Receive outlines, demos and worksheets for this 6-session program that supports your clients with creating a holistic well-being routine based on the 4 levels.

Learn to coach the “whole person”, including the 4 levels of holistic well-being as well as the "who" and the "what".

Payment Option 1: $4,200 USD with a 12-month payment plan at $350 per month.

Payment Option 2: $3,500 USD if you pay in full.

Enrollment is open and there are no prerequisites. Cohort participants are limited to ensure the highest quality of your coach education experience. Early enrollment is recommended to secure your spot.

Perfect for: Individuals who have already earned and ICF ACC credential or completed 60 hours of ICF accredited coach education and are committed to earning an Advanced Holistic Coach Certification and an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC) coaching credential.

Beverly Sartain Portrait

A message from our President

"Holistic Coach Training Institute sees you as whole, complete and resourceful right here, right now and believe you fully capable of coming up with your own creative solutions while being supported by the coaching partnership. We experience you as the authority in your own life and enjoy collaborating in a co-creative process that supports you in honing the beliefs, values and strengths that enhance your potential both personally and professionally." If you have questions or would like to connect before enrolling then please schedule a no-cost, 30 minute discovery call to explore the program with us and receive support with your coaching journey.


Beverly Sartain, MA, CAP, PCC

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced Payment Options

Payment Option 1: $4,200 USD with a 12-month payment plan at $350 per month.


Payment Option 2: $3,500 USD if you pay in full.

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced Part 2 Cohort Options

There are cohort options to complete the Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced. You select one of the cohort options that works best for your schedule. Each cohort option meets on the same day and at the same time, listed below, each week over the given time period. The cohort times provided below are for the live-online trainings, conducted via Zoom. We will email you to confirm which cohort option you are enrolling for once you complete the enrollment form and make payment. You can either proceed with enrollment now or schedule a discovery call first to answer any questions you may have.


2025 Advanced Part 2 Cohort Options:

Cohort 1: Starts March 19th, 2025. Meets live via Zoom every Wednesday from 10:00am - 12:30pm eastern time. Last live class is 08/13/25. Enrollment open


Cohort 2: Starts October 4th, 2025. Meets live via Zoom every Saturday from 10:00am - 12:30pm eastern time. Last live class is 03/14/26. Class will be off on 12/27/25 and 01/03/26 for the holidays.  Enrollment open

*There are limited spots available for each cohort. We recommend early enrollment to secure your spot.

HCCP Advanced Students Learn To Coach The "Whole Person" Including The "Who" And The "What"

Self-actualization coaching image.

Per the International Coaching Federation, “The who” or “whole person” refers to the client as a human being and could be understood as the client’s internal way of being. For example, when or how the client shows up in their world as a unique human being, informed by their context, identity, environment, experiences, values, beliefs, culture, self-expression, perceptions, gender, nationality, age, ethnicity, spiritual beliefs, etc. that influences or guides the way they: • Think • Create • Relate • Learn • Feel • Value • View their world • Choose to “be” in the world.


In Holistic Coaching, we consider this to be supporting Clients with self-realization. The realization of “who” they are.


Per the International Coaching Federation, “The what” refers to the client’s external way of doing. This could include the client’s: • Goals • Aspirations • Dreams • Challenges • Issues • Gaps • Desired external topic, focus, or goal for this session • Desired internal topic, focus, or goal for this session.


In Holistic Coaching, we consider this to be supporting Clients with self-actualization.

HCCP Advanced Students Learn To Apply The Updated 37 ICF PCC Markers In Coaching Sessions

The Updated 37 International Coaching Federation PCC Markers Include:


Competency 1: Demonstrates Ethical Practice

Familiarity with the ICF Code of Ethics and its application is required for all levels of coaching. Successful PCC candidates will demonstrate coaching that is aligned with the ICF Code of Ethics and will remain consistent in the role of coach.


Competency 2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset

Embodying a coaching mindset - a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and
client-centered - is a process that requires ongoing learning and development,
establishing a reflective practice, and preparing for sessions.


Competency 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements

3.1: Coach partners with the client to identify or reconfirm what the client wants to accomplish in this session.
3.2: Coach partners with the client to define or reconfirm measure(s) of success for what the client wants to accomplish in this session.
3.3: Coach inquires about or explores what is important or meaningful to the client about what they want to accomplish in this session.
3.4: Coach partners with the client to define what the client believes they need to address to achieve what they want to accomplish in this session.


Competency 4: Cultivates Trust and Safety

4.1: Coach acknowledges and respects the client’s unique talents, insights and work in the coaching process.
4.2: Coach shows support, empathy or concern for the client.
4.3: Coach acknowledges and supports the client’s expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs or suggestions.
4.4: Coach partners with the client by inviting the client to respond in any way to the coach’s contributions and accepts the client’s response.


Competency 5: Maintains Presence

5.1: Coach acts in response to the whole person of the client (the who).
5.2: Coach acts in response to what the client wants to accomplish throughout this session (the what).
5.3: Coach partners with the client by supporting the client to choose what happens in this session.
5.4: Coach demonstrates curiosity to learn more about the client.
5.5: Coach allows for silence, pause or reflection.


Competency 6: Listens Actively

6.1: Coach’s questions and observations are customized by using what the coach has learned about who the client is or the client’s situation.
6.2: Coach inquires about or explores the words the client uses.
6.3: Coach inquires about or explores the client’s emotions.
6.4: Coach explores the client’s energy shifts, nonverbal cues or other behaviors.
6.5: Coach inquires about or explores how the client currently perceives themself or their world.
6.6: Coach allows the client to complete speaking without interrupting unless there is a stated coaching purpose to do so.
6.7: Coach succinctly reflects or summarizes what the client communicated to ensure the client's clarity and understanding.


Competency 7: Evokes Awareness

7.1: Coach asks questions about the client, such as their current way of thinking, feeling, values, needs, wants, beliefs or behavior.
7.2: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about themself (the who).
7.3: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about their situation (the what).
7.4: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond current thinking, feeling or behaving toward the outcome the client desires.
7.5: Coach shares – with no attachment – observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts or feelings, and invites the client’s exploration through verbal or tonal invitation.
7.6: Coach asks clear, direct, primarily open-ended questions, one at a time, at a pace that allows for thinking, feeling or reflection by the client.
7.7: Coach uses language that is generally clear and concise.
7.8: Coach allows the client to do most of the talking.


Competency 8: Facilitates Client Growth

8.1: Coach invites or allows the client to explore progress toward what the client wanted to accomplish in this session.
8.2: Coach invites the client to state or explore the client's learning in this session about themself (the who).
8.3: Coach invites the client to state or explore the client's learning in this session about their situation (the what).
8.4: Coach invites the client to consider how they will use new learning from this coaching session.
8.5: Coach partners with the client to design post-session thinking, reflection or action.
8.6: Coach partners with the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support or potential barriers.
8.7: Coach partners with the client to design the best methods of accountability for themself.
8.8: Coach celebrates the client’s progress and learning.
8.9: Coach partners with the client on how they want to complete this session.

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced Outline and Agreement for Part 2

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced Part 2 Weekly Requirements:

  1. Access module materials through the learning portal. Look over all materials. Come to our live sessions with questions or comments about each lesson. I love to be interactive with you, and we all learn from one another. Please know your questions and thoughts are welcomed. Content is dripped out weekly. Learning Portal Login: https://members.holisticcoachtraininginstitute.com. Should you have a problem with log-in, contact: [email protected]. Login and password are provided to you within days of signing up for the program, if you don’t already have access to the learning portal. Check Spam Folders if you haven’t received it before reaching out to the support team. All content is also posted in the LinkedIn group for your convenience.
  2. Practice skills, templates or session outline with a coaching partner for a total of 1-1.5 hours each week. You coach them for 30-45 minutes, and they coach you for 30-45 minutes. Please respect people’s time and schedule sessions when convenient to both parties. I’ve provided you the ICF Tracking Sheet so that you can continue to accumulate hours. You will need to log 12 hours of you coaching someone else by the end of the program. You will be asked if you would like to be paired with someone in the class but can coach with other people, if you like. Best practices are to respect confidentiality, be dependable and be coachable.
  3. Attend live sessions. When attending live, be sure to be present and available to coach, share and interact. My preference is that you are on camera. Class recordings will be posted within 48 hours in the LinkedIn group for the week and will then be taken down. These recordings are confidential and are not meant to be shared with other people not in our class. If you do miss a class, watch the replay and share your learnings in our LinkedIn group.
  4. Post in the LinkedIn Group. Posting in the online group is optional, but highly recommended as it gives you another place to be accountable and supported. Best use would be to share your biggest take-aways or learnings from each lesson so that you can ground and deepen your awareness as we move through all the Modules. Post as much as you want. This is your space to connect, to share, to celebrate together! Make sure feedback is positive, supportive and coaching in nature. This is a great place to practice your coaching skills by asking each other powerful questions.


Program Contact Info:

Email - [email protected]

Website - www.holisticcoachtraininginstitute.com

Phone - (904) 469-6009


Title of the program:

Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced


General program vision and goals:

Empowering professionals to become credentialed Coaches using the ICF Core Competencies, Ethics and Standards. The goal of the program is to support you in learning and applying the ICF PCC Markers to your coaching while deepening in a holistic approach.


List of Classes/Modules:


Before We Begin:

Program Outline & Agreement


Module 1: Holistic Human Potential

How to include the "who" and "what" in your coaching to address the whole person

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 2: Session Outline Advanced

Providing a Session Outline that addresses the PCC Markers

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 3: ICF PCC Markers

Providing the 37 ICF PCC Markers to hit in a coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 4: Session Outline - Master Copy

Providing a master copy of the Session Outline that outlines the application of the PCC Markers

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 5: Demonstrates Ethical Practice

Provide ways to Demonstrate Ethical Practice in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #1

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 6: Embodies A Coaching Mindset

Provide ways to Embody A Coaching Mindset in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #2

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 7: Exercise

How to support setting the tone through a Holistic Progress Check-in

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 8: Establishes and Maintains Agreement

Provide ways to Establish and Maintain Agreement in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #3

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 9: Cultivates Trust & Safety

Provide ways to Cultivates Trust and Safety in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #4

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 10: Maintains Presence

Provide ways to Maintains Presence in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #5

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 11: Exercise

How to address the agreement holistically through visualization of key components

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 12: Listens Actively

Provide ways to Listen Actively in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #6

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 13: Evokes Awareness

Provide ways to Evoke Awareness in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #7

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 14: Exercise

How to connect Client to an Ideal situation or experience to help evoke awareness

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 15: Facilitates Client’s Growth

Provide ways to Facilitate Client’s Growth in a PCC coaching conversation

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #8

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 16: Exercise

How to Facilitate Client’s Growth through the 4 levels of well-being

2.5 hours class time

Core Competency #8

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 17: PCC Marker Review

Assess your knowledge of the ICF PCC Markers

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 18: Test on PCC Markers

Test your knowledge of the ICF PCC Markers

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 19: Level 2 ICF Process

Go over the Level 2 ICF PCC requirements

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 20: Performance Evals

Schedule your PCC Performance Evaluation

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Performance Evaluation completed with a PCC Coach


Module 21: Next Steps

Go over next steps: mentoring, business set-up and continued coach education

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Module 22: Graduation

Closing process to bring coaching experience to completion in partnership

2.5 hours class time

All Core Competencies

Delivered through training videos, handouts, coaching partner and in class demonstration


Number of student contact hours included in the program:

22 Modules x 2.5 hours = 55 hours (Synchronous)

11 hours of materials on learning portal = 11 hours (Asynchronous) For a total of 66 hours of coach education

If you are in need of extra hours to get to the 125 hours needed for the PCC, we can discuss setting up a coaching log that can count for training purposes only. If not, coaching hours during this program will count toward ICF coaching experience hours.


Learning Goals:

Learn the ICF PCC Markers so that you are coaching towards the professional level:

  • Learn the 37 PCC Markers
  • Apply the 37 PCC Markers in your coaching conversations
  • Practice coaching conversations that address all 37 PCC Markers


Coaching Philosophy:

Holistic Coaching empowers "the whole person" to reach their full potential in all areas of their life encompassing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. This philosophy applies to the Coach and Coachee.


List of Lead Instructors:

Lead Instructor: Beverly Sartain, PCC

Sub Instructor: Gage Bock, PCC


Learning Philosophy:

We use a 3-pronged approach to learning that includes asynchronous and synchronous learning.

There are 3-steps implemented each week throughout the 6 month program to support you in learning and developing your coaching skill set.


Step 1: Each week there is a video lesson delivered via The Holistic Coach Training Institute Learning Portal. Each video lesson includes a printable worksheet to assist you with taking notes and brainstorming how you will apply the lesson to your own coaching.The learning portal is available 24/7 so the lessons can be viewed at your Convenience. Each Module takes about 30 minutes to review.


Step 2: Each week you will collaborate with a partner to put the skills that you learned from the lesson into practice. Meet with a partner over phone or video for one hour each week based on your individual schedules. Each partner practices being in the role of coach for at least 30 minutes and then in the role of client for at least 30 minutes. You are encouraged to work with multiple people during the program to develop your skills.


Step 3: Each week we meet via ZOOM for a live 2.5 hours training where we review the weekly lesson, engage in a group discussion, answer questions, and listen to recorded or live coaching practice calls with live feedback. Listening to peers practice coaching and receive constructive feedback will support you in having new awareness and developing your own coaching skills.

Engaging the weekly video lessons with worksheets, coaching with a practice partner, and receiving live coach training is a comprehensive approach to learning and developing your coaching skills. There is also a private LinkedIn group created for each cohort where students can interact, network, share, receive course content, and get updates as a way to build community.


Languages that the program is delivered in:



Intended participants:

Coaching professionals who have participated in a 60-hour coach specific training that wish to learn and develop towards the PCC level.


Requirements that the student must agree to in order to enter the program:

  • Have 4.5 hours to devote to this training every week.
  • Attend live sessions. You can miss no more than 4 live sessions (unless otherwise discussed with the facilitator.)
  • Per the ICF, the program has to provide 6 observed coaching sessions to each student. Therefore, you will be required to turn in at least 4 audio recordings for me to observe during the class and participate in several in class exercises. Per the ICF, I will provide written feedback on 4 audio recordings.
  • Work with a practice partner from our group or outside of the group so that you try on the coaching skills you are learning for an experiential experience.
  • Be open to receiving feedback on your coaching skills from the instructor.


Requirements for completion of the program:

  • Attend 18 out of 22 live class sessions (I keep attendance)
  • Turn in 4 recordings and participate in class exercises (Due dates provided during program and posted in the LinkedIn group)
  • Complete Test (Module 19)
  • Turn in a log verifying you coached someone else for 12 hours
  • Complete Performance Evaluation. You have 6 months from the end of coach education to complete your Performance Evaluation. See Performance Evaluation Overview Module.


Policies on payment of tuition:

There is a pay in full option that provides a discount to students. And there are payment plan options for those who want to pay monthly. The standard cost of the Holistic Coach Certification Program Advanced is $4,550 available with a 13 month payment plan of $350 per month or $3,850 if paid in full. There are no additional fees or interest added to the payment plans. We use Square.com and Stripe as our invoicing system. Invoices need to be paid within 24 hours of receiving them. If you do not pay within 21 days and have not made arrangements with us around how payment will be made, your access to materials will be discontinued and you will be taken out of the group. Please know you can discuss your needs with us. We are here to work with you.


Refund Policy:

Full refunds are issued if a notice to cancel is received within 3 days after initial payment is made. There are no refunds after 3 days from the time of initial payment. In order to qualify for a refund within the 3 day period, an email must be sent to [email protected] requesting cancellation. After the 3 day period, cancellations and withdrawals qualify for an “in house credit” that can be applied to future programs only. If there is something that comes up and you are no longer able to continue in this cohort, we can discuss you attending another cohort. We are happy to work with you on ensuring you receive the value of your investment. And if you are not getting what you need from the program (for any reason), please give us the courtesy of a conversation so we can work through it together. If you are needing different support, let’s discuss your needs and course-correct, if needed. A student can leave the program at any time.



If you share a recording in class then you need to have permission from the Coachee to share it. Anything shared in the live sessions will be kept confidential unless permission is provided. We may ask if we can use your recording for ICF accreditation purposes. The ICF requires programs to provide student recordings as an example of work being completed during the program. We will ask your permission if we would like to use your recording. We will be housing our group calls for ~ 1 week in our LinkedIn group so that people who may have missed class have an opportunity to view it. Then those recordings will be discarded. These recordings are not available for download.

If there is something you are curious about that is not included in this outline and agreement, feel free to ask. Remember that we are in a partnership together. Please communicate with us what’s going on for you. We don’t know what you don’t communicate so make sure to let us know what you need so we can work together to resolve your needs. Communication is key.

Here’s to an incredible journey!

Praise From A Few Of Our Holistic Coaching Students

"This program quite literally helped clear my path, not only professionally but spiritually. The insights and information that I gained throughout the program has influenced so many perspective shifts, so much forward movement, and awareness of my potential. I'm so immensely grateful for Beverly creating this space for others to heal, transform, and become the coaches they're destined to be!"

Alexandria Kornegay

Spiritual Alchemy Coach

"If you are interested in developing a better understanding about the coaching world, learning how to hold space, and becoming skilled in holistic coaching, then HCTI is just for you! You will walk away with more insight, skills and knowledge than you ever imagined. Bev is a beautiful soul and she is an expert in this field!"

Katrina Hunt

Radiant Life Coaching

"Do you believe that all people are capable of becoming their highest self? Do you value seeing people holistically--from the body, mind, spirit, and emotional planes? Do you believe in the power of partnership to co-create positive changes for yourself and others? If so and you are considering a becoming a credential-based, ethics-grounded coach, the HCCP is the pathway forward for you."

Dr. Anna Patton

Holistic Coach

"The Holistic Coach Certification Program has been expertly put together to give you the tools to get you started on your coaching career. Some of the highlights for me were that you get to do coaching practice with a partner which really helps you to develop your skills. The trainer also gives you valuable feedback on your coaching sessions which helps you to identify what to improve on. You're provided with useful scripts which give ready made frameworks for different coaching sessions. In the live sessions, the groups are not too big which makes it nice and intimate. The 6 month format also allows you to do your training whilst continuing with your day job. I would recommend this program to anyone wanting to start a coaching career. This course not only enabled me to become a better coach but also to work on my personal and professional growth. So I learnt a lot about coaching but also about myself."

Peter Greliak

Transformational Coach

"After one conversation with Beverly, I knew that coaching aligned very well with my desires. It has taken some time for me to fully grasp the magnitude of why Coaching is essential for my life, and who I’m assigned to reach, but thanks to Beverly Sartain, the illumination of those revelations are abundantly clear today. Beverly, a master of presence, has walked me through the hard stuff in order to help me see all the great stuff ahead. I am pleased to introduce myself, my name is Sommer Sade’, Your Champion Coach, boldly stepping into what is mine and empowering you to step into what’s yours. Beverly Sartain is a thinker, innovator, futurist, change agent and a partnership with her is a decision to challenge the status quo and to move the needle in your life towards your dreams, passions and destiny."

Sommer Sade’

Sommer Sade’: Championed Life

"I was a new coach just starting out when I signed up for the Holistic Coach Certification Program with Bev. Although most don’t bother to get certified, it was important for me so that I was able to provide the most effective coaching space possible. This program fits the bill in two ways: It is ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited. And, it covered core competencies, ethics, and standards in multiple learning modalities. I am now the Founder & Owner of Modern Alchemy Coaching, LLC where I co-create with those who are stuck in overwhelm in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires maximization of their personal and professional potential. Personally, I have found the most sacred relationships with Bev and peers of my cohort; where my love and respect were reflected back in equal measure. I celebrate the life I’ve built as a result of my learnings."

Connie Jackson

Modern Alchemy Coaching

"I joined the Holistic Coach Certification Program because challenging myself and learning from other disciplines outside my area of expertise is where the growth opportunities occur. Through this fantastic program I’ve received challenge, support and encouragement to consider the possibilities of where my coaching can go- even as a veteran coach. Though I’ve been career coaching for some time, I signed up for the Holistic Coach Certification Program to show up for myself so I can continue to show up for others. I feel like I’ve achieved that plus the wonderful, unexpected, bonus of gaining a coaching community I can celebrate my wins with and coach through my challenges in a loving and guided way. Thank you Beverly, Richard and everyone else who makes the Holistic Coaching Institute what it is! You’re doing life-changing work and those around you see it, feel and are touched by it."

Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

Beyond Discovery Coaching

"Beverly is a trainer and coach of the highest integrity. I recently completed her certified holistic coach training. Not only did Beverly provide impactful training and highly relevant documentation to review and chart our progress, but she also proctored numerous opportunities to practice our coaching skills. I especially appreciated the ability to work throughout the program with a coaching partner. The feedback I received on my coaching competencies helped me approach coaching in a holistic way. I highly recommend connecting with Beverly as the BEST resource for coach certification that is also approved by the International Coaching Federation. This is not just education- this is hands-on application of concepts which can be used in numerous industries and niches, with employers or as a business owner."

Jenn Espinosa-Goswami

Weightless, LLC

I’m so impressed with Bev’s coaching philosophy and ability to hold space, coach, and lovingly help me identify my limiting beliefs. I’m so glad to have a role model like her in my business and life! It’s only about a month in, and I’m already experiencing massive shifts in my confidence and business. I wasn’t expecting that. Trust your gut. If it’s telling you to, do it. Almost everyone in my cohort has mentioned how they listened to their intuition, went for it, and are so glad they did. I’m one of those people, and I know this coaching program will be one of the reasons my business will be successful and impact countless people. My favorite part has been having a coaching partner & listening to others coach. It’s hands-on and very experiential!

Becca Rich

The Holistic Time Coach

"Do it! Join! This program helped me realize my full potential and my true passion in life which is helping others help themselves through a holistic approach.  This program not only teaches you but guides you through the coaching process and experience. Being coached was a different experience for me. It really allowed me to come out of my shell and it helped bring back my spirituality. Beverly has been nothing but supportive and patient."

Jennifer Henriquez

Coaching with Grace LLC

“Before I started the Holistic Coach Certification Program, I felt stuck, uncertain about my life, wondering if I would ever be able to start my own business. I dwelt in negativity and self-doubt. Since participating in the program, I am experiencing the enlightenment of growth in many areas of my life, such as self-worth, confidence, and love. This experience continues to influence ideas within me, to encompass the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing as one entity.”

Janice Hagans-Higgins

Healing With Janice, PLLC

“Before I started Beverly's program, I couldn't even call myself a Coach. Now I proudly say, I'm a Spiritual Life Coach. I am serving my purpose as a Spiritual Life Coach because of Beverly Sartain and her Coaching Development program. She preaches what she practices. And, it was important to me to learn from someone who is also doing it so well. I had no idea I would learn as much as I have, and grow and evolve in ways I never thought possible. Beverly is always there for support and is a life-changing Coach and Mentor.”

Mary Markham

Inspirational Visions, LLC

Contact us with any questions. We're always happy to support your journey!

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